Who wants to go halfsies on a farm with me? I'm thinking chickens, tomatoes, whatever. It all depends on the soil and the location. I just don't think I can keep the pace with a life where I cry in the bathroom at work and have no connection to anything with roots.
I grew up in the dirt. I didn't have jam from the store until I was in middle school. I've planted corn, weeded it, and run through the resulting field with my sisters. People act like living off the land is this great new thing, and I'm like, hello. That's called being poor. Did it. Done it.
And that's what I want, again. Not necessarily to be poor, although I am kind of poor in the money way. I just want to be far away from the world and live in the dirt and be so tired at the end of the night. I don't understand the world. If my divorce has taught me anything, it's that. I'm different. Maybe it's my parents fault, and their love of corporal punishment. Maybe it's my shitty neurons or the offbeat of my heart. But I don't get most people and it hurts. I just want to be alone with the people I love on a farm, where we can grow our destiny.
I call dibs on being the actual jam maker in this little fantasy...