Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Losing Season

I don't care if I seem ungrateful right now. I am tired. Sure, my clitoris is intact and my life is really great. But I'm tired This week is going to be a long one. I tried to prepare by buying protein bars and diet coke. Since this week is full of suck, I got to thinking about 2011 and what I hope it holds for me. So I'm making a To Do in 2011 list to inspire me not to kill anyone at the mall.

To Do in 2011

1. Roast a chicken
2. Crochet an amigurmi rabbit
3. Give an excellent speech at Kelly's wedding without crying
4. Pay down my debt
5. Go on a vacation with friends, maybe to Key West.

This is my tentative list. In the interim, I'm just hoping to get to work on time tomorrow.

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